If you have ever felt an affinity to stones and wanted to learn how to use them in your life for healing or transformation, you have found a wonderful source! This site is dedicated to helping people like yourself receive the training and guidance needed to become an effective Gemstone Healer.
Universal White Time Gemstone Healing is now available in the
United States. Here at this site you will find information about Universal White Time Healing, White Time Gemstone Healing and where the classes are being offered. If you are interested
in sponsoring a class in your area, please contact us.
New Layout of the Month, Series #6, is now available to all White Time students!
This new series is a set: there are 5 layouts and 1 meditation with stones. The purpose of the series is to help us open up to the quality of the Blue Creation and the New Earth and to move toward enlightenment. Each successive layout builds on the previous ones. Therefore, these layouts will only be available as a set. For more information and to order, click here.
All of the Layout-of-the-Month Series are still available.
If you have taken any Universal White Time class, (regular or Gemstone) anywhere in the world, you qualify to join the club. Please email me at mail@whitetimegem.com and tell me what classes you have taken and who your teacher/s was/were.
Click here for more info and to order the layouts .
It is now ready! Channie's new Gemstone book!
Channie's new edition of her Crystal and Mineral Healing Book is now available to anyone. You don't have to take a Gemstone class to be qualified to buy it. Click here to view and/or purchase a copy. www.lulu.com/content/5819126

Now also available: The Mineral & Crystal Healing Repertory
If you have purchased Channie's updated Crystal & Mineral Healing, then you qualify to purchase the new Mineral & Crystal Healing Repertory. This small handy book (6 x 9 inches) is a listing of the Gemstone combinations from Channie's book to help you find just what you're looking for: makes finding a combination really quick and easy. Since Channie's book has a lot of information that isn't included in the Repertory and I don't want to undercut Channie's book, please don't purchase the Repertory before purchasing Crystal and Mineral Healing.
The cover, by the way, is a Microphotograph of a Diamond! Pretty fantastic!
The link to buy the Repertory is http://www.lulu.com/content/6537667. It can be shipped any where in the world.

Help the Earth with "The Kit" Meditation:
The Earth needs our help! The frequency of Earth has been dropping. Now, you can do your valuable part by using "The Kit" meditation. Designed by the High ETs to help us raise the vibration of the Earth, the meditation must be done by a "critical mass": we must have a minimun number of people on Earth doing this meditation! You can down load the meditation by clicking here. There is also a follow-up to "The Kit" meditation called The Continuation with Advanced Kit work. You can down load a pdf of it here.
Get the latest updates from Channie:
Channie West has sent out some updates about the New Earth, our Earth and the progress being made for our collective ascension. She also talks about the work and the progress being made by our ET friends to resume landings and contacts with us here on Earth. To download a pdf copy of the May, 2008 update, click here. To download a pdf copy of the February, 2009 update, click here.
If you wish to subscribe to Channie's new Newsletter service, for her lastest Newsletter and the instructions, click here for a pdf file in U.S. paper size and here for the European A4 paper.
Free Layouts:
Curious about the Layouts and want to experience them? We have a couple sample layouts so if you have never experienced a Universal White Time Gemstone Layout, you can try it out. Email us with any questions at mail@whitetimegem.com
There is also now a free layout for healing the Earth and the Grid and Lay Lines: The Layout to Open Time Portals.
Become a New Earth Teacher:
If you want to help out our Mother Earth make the transition to her new body, the New Earth, occur more harmoniously, join us in becoming active "Earth healers" via the NET classes. (New Earth Teacher Training) I charge 1/2 the price for electronic versions as I do when I teach it in person. Once you take the class, you become a teacher.
Seeking Student/Teachers:
I am also seeking people who love stones and would like to spread this teaching by becoming a teacher. At this time, I (Kitty) am the only teacher trainer (Head Teacher) in the United States. I schedule the White Time Gemstone classes, Levels 1-4, the regular White Time Level 1, and the Gemstone teacher-trainings on a regular basis and as they are requested. (I will travel if needed.) So contact me if you are interested at mail@whitetimegem.com.
Learn more about Universal White Time:
Looking for information about Universal White Time? We have 8 pages of information by Channie that will give you a good overview. There are 5 pages of information on healing with Universal White Time a page on UWT Space Travel and one on the "Six-point Systems". (You can get to the pages on Healing and Space Travel by first going to the Universal White Time link.)
And for all you White Time Gemstone healers out there, we almost have all the stones needed for the layouts in quantities so we will be offering them for sale soon. (now all [?] I have to do is photograph them!) I will also be providing the Decks of Layout Cards for certified White Time Gemstone students and teachers.
Check back here often as I am continually adding more to this site. Remember to contact us if you want a class!
Thanks for visiting! Blessings & joy to you!
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